Anibal Sólon Heinsfeld
Work & Research Experience
Pestilli Lab - University of Texas at Austin
Graduate Research Assistant 09/2021-Present
Optimization of diffusion MRI sparse models, to improve state-of-the-art tractography and the
assessment of structural connectivity of the brain. Management of the infrastructure and
development team.
Python, Bash, Javascript, Rust
Infrastructure planning
Neuroimaging preprocessing
Whole Communities–Whole Health @ Bridging Barriers - University of Texas at
Graduate Research Assistant 08/2020-09/2021
Development of a mobile app for COVID-related procedures for the University (reaching 75k students)
and mobile app to perform studies, via remote sensing of the participants' physical activities and surveys.
Design and implementation of scalable API using serverless technology. Analyses of actigraphy data for
behavior assessment during the pandemic.
Python, Bash, C, R, Javascript, React + Redux + Sagas, React-Native.
AWS API Gateway, Lambda, Cognito, Aurora Serverless, KMS, Systems Manager.
API design and documentation. Data privacy and security. Data visualization.
Complete planning and implementation of a secure infrastructure in AWS, using Terraform.
Computational Neuroimaging Lab @ Dell Medical School - University of Texas at
Graduate Research Assistant 09/2019-09/2021
Development of high-throughput and extensible preprocessing pipelines for medical data, mainly
focusing on brain MRI imaging. Hypothesis validation of cerebral blood flow estimation using arterial
spin labeling images.
Python, Bash, C, R, Javascript, React + Redux + Sagas.
AWS Batch, Containers (Docker & Singularity), HCP (SLURM @ TACC).
Data visualization.
Child Mind Institute
Assistant Research Scientist 02/2018-08/2019
Focus on the maintenance of the Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes (C-PAC) project,
by helping other researchers to augment their capabilities on preprocessing and analysis of resting-state
fMRI data. Technical support for researchers, enabling them to focus on the research questions rather
than on technical details.
CTO, Chief Data Scientist 10/2015-04/2018
Research and management of technologies used in the company. Creation of Marvin, the robot-advisor
of Planejei. Focus on Machine Learning and recommendation systems. Large use of containerization,
using Docker and Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services and IBM BlueMix. Focus
on scalability and continuous integration. Optimization of learning algorithms and messaging methods.
Intuitivus Data Processing
CTO 05/2012-08/2014
Research and management of technologies used in the company. Analyze, develop, and deploy
high-performance Business Intelligence (BI) systems to facilitate critical decision making for managers of
customer companies, such as Everything But Water. Focus on analytical information visualization and
Calc Management System
Java/Javascript Developer 04/2012-08/2013
Development of a tax calculator for high-trading volume investors. Test-driven programming of scalable
web-portal for thousands of customers, computing millions of stock transactions per day. Management
of load balancing, scaling, and general dev-ops of the startup. Integration with Brazilian investments
system, to retrieve user transactions automatically in an end-to-end service.
Compasso Technology
Java/Javascript Developer 09/2011-04/2012
Development of a large web portal in Vivo, the largest telecommunications company in Brazil. Using the
Oracle technology stack, my team and I developed a support center, where the user could retrieve
information about mobile plans, support tickets and online chat.
University of Passo Fundo
PHP/Javascript/Delphi Developer 02/2011-08/2011
Development of internal systems to the university processes and students portal. Individually, I worked
on an employee scale management system through work orders. By creating an innovative interface for
managers to control the scales, we were able to optimize the maintenance processes of the university.
Educational Experience
PhD in Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin / US 2019-present
Research in Machine Learning method applied in Neuroscience. Development of accurate models for
white matter tracts diffusion prediction, using sparse group linear models and multiple tissue
Advisors: Franco Pestilli PhD, Alexander Huth PhD
MSc in Computer Science
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil 2014-2016
Thesis: Deep Learning for Autism identification in Neurological data
Research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning focusing on Neuroscience. Cloud configuration
for parallel computing with GPUs. Usage of modern deep learning frameworks, such as Tensorflow and
Advisors: Felipe Rech Meneguzzi PhD, Alexandre Rosa Franco PhD
Evaluation committee: R. Cameron Craddock PhD, Paulo Martins Engel PhD, Rodrigo Barros PhD
BSc in Computer Science
Universidade de Passo Fundo / Brazil 2008-2013
Thesis: Artificial Intelligence and the Stock Market: Using neural networks to predict trends
Use of a mathematical model inspired by biological brain functioning to recognize patterns within the
time series obtained from the evolution of a certain stock in BMF & Bovespa.
Advisor: Roberto dos Santos Rabello PhD
Evaluation committee: Carlos Amaral Hölbig PhD
Publications and Conferences
LEVITAS, Daniel; HAYASHI, Soichi; VINCI-BOOHER, Sophia; HEINSFELD, Anibal; BHATIA, Dheeraj;
LEE, Nicholas; GALASSI, Anthony; NISO, Guiomar; PESTILLI, Franco. ezBIDS: Guided standardization of
neuroimaging data interoperable with major data archives and platforms. In press, 2023. Pre-print:
HAYASHI, Soichi; CARON, Bradley; HEINSFELD, Anibal S.; [+60 authors]; PESTILLI, Franco. brainlife.
io: A decentralized and open source cloud platform to support neuroscience research. In press, 2023.
Pre-print: arXiv:2306.02183.
HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; MCDONALD, Daniel J.; PESTILLI, Franco. (2023). Improving the accuracy
of models for the evaluation of tractography algorithms. Research for Yall Graduate Showcase,
University of Texas at Austin, 2023.
HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; MCDONALD, Daniel J.; PESTILLI, Franco. (2023). Improving the accuracy
of models for the evaluation of structural brain connectomes. Organization for Human Brain Mapping
2023 Annual Meeting, 2023.
HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; MCDONALD, Daniel J.; PESTILLI, Franco. (2022). Improving structural
brain connectomes through informed forward modeling. Neuroscience 2022, Society for Neuroscience,
LIANG, Xiaoxuan; COHEN, Aaron; HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; PESTILLI, Franco; MCDONALD, Daniel
J. sparsegl: An R Package for Estimating Sparse Group Lasso. In press, 2022.
Pre-print: arXiv:2208.02942.
LI, Xinhui; AI, Lei; GIAVASIS, Steve; JIN, Hecheng; FECZKO, Eric; XU, Ting; CLUCAS, Jon; FRANCO,
Alexandre; HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; ADEBIMPE, Azeez; VOGELSTEIN, Joshua T.; YAN, Chao-Gan;
Theodore; KIAR, Gregory; MILHAM, Michael P. Moving Beyond Processing and Analysis-Related
Variation in Neuroscience. In press, 2022.
GAU, Rémi; [+36 authors]; HEINSFELD, Anibal S; [+101 authors]. Brainhack: Developing a culture of
open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron, 2021.
DOI: Authors omitted for brevity.
GIAVASIS, Steve; CLUCAS, Jon; LI, Xinhui; Jin; HECHENG; AI, Lei; SÓLON, Anibal; CRADDOCK,
Cameron; MILHAM, Michael. (2021). The Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes
(C-PAC) 2020-2021: Transitioning Out of Beta. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2021 Annual
Meeting, 2021.
WENG, Timothy; VELA, Ruben; WEBER, Wade; DODLA, Manwitha; HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon;
PARKER, Samuel; SIMON, Blake; DEMETER, Damion; NUGIEL, Tehila; WHITMORE, Lucy; MILLS,
Kathryn; CHURCH, Jessica; HABERMAN, Michael; CRADDOCK, Cameron. The impact of customized
head molds on motion and motion-related artifacts from structural and functional MRI scans in
children. 2021. DOI:
LI, Xinhui; GIAVASIS, Steve, Jin; HECHENG; AI, Lei; SÓLON, Anibal; ADEBIMPE, Azeez; FRANCO,
Alexandre Rosa; POLDRACK, Russell Alan; VOGELSTEIN, Joshua Tzvi; XU, Ting; SATTERTHWAITE,
Theodore; CRADDOCK, Cameron; MILHAM, Michael. Evaluating and Improving Cross-Pipeline
Reproducibility in Functional Connectomics: A Case Study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping
2020 Annual Meeting, 2020.
JIN; Hecheng; GIAVASIS, Steve; LI, Xinhui; SÓLON, Anibal; AI, Lei; FRANCO, Alexandre Rosa;
RAMIREZ, Julian; WANG, Xindi; GOZZI, Alessandro; PAGANI, Marco; FOX, Andrew; MESSINGER,
Adam; FAIR, Damien; KEILHOLZ, Shella; RUSS, Brian; XU, Ting; CRADDOCK, Cameron; MILHAM,
Michael. A Unified, End-to-End Pipeline Solution for Human and Nonhuman Functional Connectomics.
Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2020 Annual Meeting, 2020.
NIKOLAIDIS, Aki; HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; XU, Ting; BELLEC, Pierre; VOGELSTEIN, Joshua;
MILHAM, Michael. Bagging improves reproducibility of functional parcellation of the human brain.
NeuroImage, 2020. DOI:
HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; FRANCO, Alexandre Rosa; MILHAM, Michael; Towards sparse
hierarchical graph classifiers for autism spectrum disorder identification. Poster presentation on the
Montreal Intelligence Artificielle & Neuroscience; Montreal, Canada. Dez 2018.
One of the 10 winners of the poster competition.
HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; Enhancing classifier model robustness with variational auto-encoders
and semi-supervised learning for autism spectrum disorder identification. Poster presentation on the
Sixth Biennial Conference on Resting-State and Brain Connectivity; Montreal, Canada. Set 2018.
Selected talk and one of the 5 winners of the poster competition.
HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; FRANCO, Alexandre Rosa; CRADDOCK, R. Cameron; BUCHWEITZ,
Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Identification of autism spectrum disorder using deep learning and
the ABIDE dataset. Neuroimage: Clinical, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.08.017
XAVIER, Laura de Lima; HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; AGUZZOLI, Cristiano; SOLDATELLI, Matheus;
FRANCO, Alexandre Rosa; MENEGUZZI, Felipe Rech; and BUCHWEITZ, Augusto. Classifying brain
states during cognitive tasks: a functional magnetic resonance study in children at reading acquisition
stage. World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.
CRADDOCK, R. Cameron; [+18 authors]; HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; [+26 authors]. Brainhack: a
collaborative workshop for the open neuroscience community, in GigaScience, Vol. 5, 2016. DOI:
10.1186/s13742-016-0121-x. Authors omitted for brevity.
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; HEINSFELD, Anibal Solon; and MENEGUZZI,
Felipe. LOCUS: An environment description language for JASON, 9th Software Agents, Environments
and Applications School (WESAAC), Niteroi, Brazil, 2015. Proceedings:
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards
Full Master's degree - Administered scholarship
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil 2014-2016.
Funding Institution: CAPES/PROSUP
Advisor: Felipe Rech Meneguzzi PhD
Scientific Initiation Scholarship PIBIC/CNPq
Universidade de Passo Fundo / Brazil 2010
Funding Institution: CNPq
Project: The hypermedia in the creation of learning collectivities in the municipal schools of Passo Fundo
Advisor: Adriano Canabarro Teixeira PhD
Scientific Initiation Scholarship PIBIC/UPF
Universidade de Passo Fundo / Brazil 2009
Funding Institution: UPF
Project: The hypermedia in the creation of learning collectivities in the municipal schools of Passo Fundo
Advisor: Adriano Canabarro Teixeira PhD
Winners of the Poster Competition on the Montreal Intelligence Artificielle &
Neuroscience 2018 2018
Poster: Towards sparse hierarchical graph classifiers for autism spectrum disorder identification. One of
the ten winners against ~50 posters.
Winners of the Poster Competition on the Sixth Biennial Conference on
Resting-State and Brain Connectivity 2018
Predictive Analytics in Mental Health Competition 2016
In this competition, my team and I developed a model to classify patients suffering from Depression and
healthy individuals based on resting-state fMRI data. PAC 2016 provides a balanced dataset of 436
resting-state fMRIs, obtained at 11 different scanning sites. The rows of the dataset have been shuffled
in order to anonymize it. Our solution was based on a previous analysis of voxels, in an attempt to
identify the relevant ones. After selecting 200 voxels, we created a correlation matrix and used it as
features for a linear SVM. By using this pipeline, we achieved second place in the competition.
Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2016
In this competition, my team and I developed a multi-agent system to solve a scenario based on a real city
map, where the goal is to earn as much money as possible, which is rewarded for completing certain jobs.
Our solution is based on JASON to define the agents behavior and how they coordinate to form
sub-teams for tasks, using the Contract Net Protocol. We achieved first place in the competition.
Research / Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul 2015
Assist in practical classes to undergraduate students on Artificial Intelligence. Teach courses to students
on Artificial Neural Networks. Develop hands-on activities for students covering topics such as
Automatic Planning, Multi-agent Systems, and Reinforcement Learning.
Neuroimaging of Human Cognition
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul 2015
Development of new techniques for neuroimaging analysis and studies of the neural bases of higher
cognitive processes. Part of the ACERTA project (Evaluation of Children at Risk of Learning Disorder).
Contribution to the construction of predictive models for the diagnosis of learning disorders.
Autonomous Systems Group
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul 2015
Research on commitment alignment of multi-agent systems. Assistance for undergraduates on their
research on robotics using Gazebo and ROS. General laboratory management.
Volunteer Activities
OpenNeuro: Collaborations on the open-source project, by implementing oAuth2 authentication flow
using ORCID, as an alternative to Google given it is used by academics and is not blocked in China.
Descartaê: Collaborations on the open-source project, by developing a mobile app and a web portal to
employ mechanisms for indexation of waste collection centers.
Women in Neuroscience: Board member. Improvements in the website to enable easier maintenance of
registered profiles and recommendations. General technology advising.
Brainhack Global: Continuous support for the +4000 community, organizing synchronous and
asynchronous events worldwide, and welcoming newcomers.
OHBM Brainhack 2023: Co-chair and designer of the 2023 edition of the OHBM Hackathon.
UniFavela: Technological support for project advertising and conducting online classes during the
Not a comprehensive list of technologies. Please refer to Github for (real-world) projects and examples.
Some projects are private, but I am happy to discuss and showcase them.
Programming: Python, Tensorflow, Pytorch, JavaScript, TypeScript, PL/SQL, Rust, C, C#, C++, CUDA,
Bash, R, Octave, PHP, Java, Kotlin;
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, MongoDB, AWS RDS;
Server-side: Web protocols and flows, Apache HTTP, Apache Tomcat, Nginx, Prometheus, LDAP, Amazon
Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux
Security: System security, system, and infrastructure design, configuration hardening, deobfuscation,
and reverse engineering, pen-testing.